28 March, 2008Yep, I’ve jumped on the live-video-from-phone train. You can catch me here: As I’m a lowly Sony Ericsson P990 (UIQ) user, the range of options is somewhat narrow. Series60 owners have a far wider choice.
Kristin Hersh: Paradoxical Undressing
27 March, 2008DSC01325 Originally uploaded by martinlittle On Tuesday, Hazel and I went to see Kristin Hersh at the first performance of Paradoxical Undressing. It was a different an interesting night, although hearing The Cuckoo live was fantastic. We had some really great food at St Andrew’s in the Square too. Definitely recommended.
No Country For Old Men
23 March, 2008Hazel and I just saw No Country For Old Men. Please can someone explain the ending — I’m not smart enough. Tense and pretty good film.
19 March, 2008Thanks to Chris for pointing out the very cool PicLens. I’ve not totally worked out what to do with it, but hooking it up to my flickr account has been fun. The WordPress plugin is installed too, so you may see some cool stuff on the right hand side.
Hermitage of Braid
18 March, 2008DSC01316 Originally uploaded by martinlittle A few pictures of my walk through Hermitage of Braid today.