The Best Firefox Tip Ever
28 April, 2008Jim Twittered this tip earlier: to re-open the last closed Firefox tab, use ctrl-shift-t. Legendary!
No Edinburgh Buses on Monday
24 April, 2008lothianbuses_no_fuel Originally uploaded by martinlittle It seems that Lothian Buses are expecting to run out of fuel over the weekend, due to the pensions-related strike at Grangemouth. At least no cyclists will get hit…
Hardy Heron Countdown
21 April, 2008There’s a nice article on the BBC today, plus a longer interview with Mr Ubuntu.
London Marathon 2008
13 April, 2008It’s that time of year again… I’m all registered and ready for the race tomorrow. You can follow along on BBC1 (in the UK) and if you press red and watch the finish line between 1.30pm and 2pm, there is a small chance you could see me. Alternatively, you should be able to track me…
Train Wifi
10 April, 2008train_wifi Originally uploaded by martinlittle Making wifi free isn’t always a good idea, especially when you’ve got a large audience and a limited connection … like the train to London. Try again, National Express East Coast.